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mother, 2021

"There are not enough words to express the הכרת הטוב I have for all you have done. All the planning, organizing, shelping, and  sleepless nights paid off.  [My daughter] had an amazing experience. She pushed her limits, met her challenges, and grew from it. 


I loved receiving the email updates and seeing the spectacular pictures along the way. I especially loved seeing the big smile on [my daughter]'s face and hearing the smile in her voice..."

mother, 2022

"Visiting the most awe inspiring places each day, taking in all the different scenery and marvels of nature, the fun and active non stop unique adventures and activities ... You put together such a friendly group of girls from various places and an atmosphere where she was able to bond, make new everlasting friendships and learn more about others while discovering herself further. You also provided amazing accommodations, meals, shiurim and warmth from staff, nourishing their bodies and souls."

mother, 2023

"Not only was it an amazing itinerary ( as expected) and interesting workshops (bonus) but the staff was truly incredible, managing to show leadership but balancing that role while building up the girls and treating them with respect and individuals. "

mother, 2024

We just wanted to say a huge thank you for the amazing experience [our daughter] had being part of Yifei Nof. She loved taking in Hashem's beautiful creations by viewing the breathtaking landscapes and exploring them via the varied activities, both ים and יבשה! She made wonderful connections with both campers and staff. The effort you put into planning and the production of Yifei Nof Girls 2024 is obvious, from the full-filled itinerary across several states to the magnificent accommodations throughout. Everything was perfectly organized, which made her time even more enjoyable. We also want to thank you for encouraging the girls to engage in meaningful discussions and activities. [She] can’t stop raving about how much fun she had and the excitement she felt each day. We’re so grateful she got to be a part of it!"

camper, 2024

"Yifei nof was truly a life changing experience for me. The workshops, activities, trips, and seeing the expansiveness of Hashem’s world taught me so much about myself and helped me strengthen my relationship with Hashem. I had so many amazing new experiences like davening Mincha with a gorgeous view overlooking the Grand Canyon, rapelling in Zion, and enjoying the different terrains of Yellowstone. I made so many valuable friendships and memories that will stay with me forever. This trip was the best experience of my life"

mother, 2024

"I just wanted take a minute to thank you for running such an amazing program and for giving [our daughter] the opportunity ... She is still on a high, talking nonstop about all her experiences and all the ways in which she's grown as a person. She has made lifelong friends and learned lifelong lessons and is so so grateful that she got to experience it all. Thank you, thank you, thank you! "

camper, 2021

"I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for giving me this wonderful opportunity  to learn from others, learn about myself, grow in every way, see Hashem's wonders, and at the same time have a party!"

camper, 2022

"I knew I would connect to the stunning world Hashem created for me, and that I would grow in my Avodas Hashem to some extent, but I could never have even imagined what really occurred."

camper, 2023

"I got to experience things I never thought I would get to and see sights I thought I never would see! I gained a whole new perspective on the words "ma rabu ma'asecha Hashem" through seeing the awesome views. I was able to cultivate a deeper connection with myself, others and Hashem by being in such a relaxed and open environment called Yifei Nof. The amount of fun and crazy memories I have are astronomical! Te whole program was just heaven..."

mother, 2023

"... and even more, we loved seeing how [our daughter] came home after less than 2 weeks - having learned so much about herself and how she was able to accomplish things she wasn't sure she was capable of, being inspired by the workshops, new friends and staff, and for the tremendous experiences and memories she'll remember forever. We were so impressed with the girls and staff and have a huge amount of hakaras hatov for such a special program."

mother, 2022

"Now that [my daughter] has been home for a day, and I got to hear the full rundown, I want to thank you for giving the girls such an incredible experience.  [She] was bubbling over with stories to share - of new friendships, exciting adventures, stunning scenery, and memories of a lifetime." 

mother, 2023

"She appreciated your incredible leadership, the quality of the girls and the respect they had for one another, the supportive madrichot and the opportunity to learn about herself. She will take the knowledge she gained back into her world and use it to continue to grow and develop herself as a Torah Jew and as a person. Her Yifei Nof experience will always live on as she was impacted on many levels! "

camper, 2021

"Not only were they the best two weeks of my life, but I got to become so close with so many new people who all became like family to me! Yifei Nof was the experience of a lifetime that I will definitely never forget!!"

camper, 2023

"The past 2 weeks were the most awesome, amazing, inspiring, life-changing weeks for me... I learnt so much... You truly give each girl exactly what she needs to shine."

camper, 2023

You know how the website says, “Journey outward, Venture inward”?

It wasn’t lying; read on forward

For I really did see so much of Hashem’s awesome and wondrous creation

Experiencing incredible things beyond the wildest of my imagination!

Internally, my strengths and weaknesses I did explore

Now I can use that knowledge to grow and become more

Obvious positivity, warmth, and sincerity everyone showed

Forged connections and memories I hope to hold onto far down the road

A Summer of  Adventure for Frum Girls

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